Someone decided that a woman would be the ideal object that has the power to sell solutions to all problems. Really?
The story continues…
Sometimes he came to see me creative director of core4 Andrej C. , when he was at the end of his megalomaniac, sometimes unfinished and unworkable ideas, and told me: “Jana, please show me something nice (a project I’ve been working on, sketches or my drawings that I had hanging on my office window), I’m depressed.”
He asked me to teach one junior that he would reward me. The junior now has his own business, earning more than the “creative director”. The creative director (not yet 35) was not infrequently called into work by his mother, for reasons unknown to us. The paths parted. Junior cried when I left the team. He opened the office window and cried. Crocodile tears fell down his cheeks. I did nothing but exchange looks, humor, and understanding. Together we created meaningful projects without the deadly importance of ego.
And this creative director was often depressed about his creativity? Something doesn’t add up here. And actually, yes. Today, he’s also lecturing on brainstorming and hopefully has some sort of normal relationship (without mom’s assistance).
None of these men were advertising for real life,
the needs of families, children, women and men. To rebuild hospitals, to support the professions that are leaving Slovakia in droves to “get out” for better money. Who among them has done campaigns to support the founding of families, their values or traditions? Or marrying instead of buying dogs? No one. Because family is probably not all that interesting and who would ever go for such an ad? Where are the ads to promote awareness of the nation and its not just historical value?
When I was somewhat secretly and officially leaving the WLB agency, at a Christmas party, creative director Peter K. gave me Frank Miller’s book The Big Fat Killing and a black billiard ball with the number 8, infinity on it. He had tears
in his eyes. The director of the other agency, when I told him I was leaving, offered me “something” extra as an option.
I don’t understand some of these “values” and I don’t know what they represent. Our world? You men? The opposite of women? Sons of fathers who didn’t get a chance to raise them because they had to fight Hitler? What goal is being pursued by earning “big hunts”? Where is the essential essence? Why not see it and feel it?
Try to understand the child and support him sincerely in the idea of the existence of unicorns and magic wands. P to understand the very simple processes of the female and male body, of life and its laws, where death has its firm place in everyday life.
“Wedge and festival” campaigns, fake breasts, botox lips, lgtb “crazies” and other already on the fly rotting and stinking ideas with no temporal validity and no divine substance. Death doesn’t care. She’ll come for you tomorrow, too.
Try to understand the feelings when you live in the knowledge that all your life you may not get a chance to meet all the family members who are scattered like ants all over the globe. Try to consult your family genealogy and you may find that some of your ancestors died in the war against Hitler and you are now earning “big hunts” but actually doing nothing or very little for yourselves, ordinary real life and the needs of your own or other people’s children, the elderly, inyour neighborhood or your country.
How many of these millionaires, politicians, rich men and speculators could lay down their lives in a war tomorrow?
The sons of unsuspecting mothers who had looked forward to them, carrying them under their hearts for nine months, are sent to war.
And the political psychopaths agreed one day that war was the solution to their economic, artificially created debts over several decades.
Try to imagine having a lifetime of responsibility for a single extinguished life whose birth and destruction depended on your decision. And try to look in the mirror every day at your own face with this in mind.
Children are not a given, they are a GIFT. And as Mr. “Shepherd.” a lecturer at the Digital University, said in a talk, “the tendency is sad and people are now getting dogs rather than children”. I was thinking about this yesterday and came up with this. A dog is a dog, you train it and that’s it. Either they respect you or they don’t, often people buy dogs that are a faithful visual or character reflection of them. You will pick up after a dog’s excrement for its entire life, you won’t pick up after your own child.
Children are teachers. Everyone is different and children teach us, sometimes with quite harsh lessons, they take on illnesses, situations and don’t allow us to model them to our liking. And that’s good.
A baby pushes you in the belly, sometimes its arrival in the world can cost you your life, it totally changes everything you have built up with effort, including your personal career and stability. It will change the dynamics of your neighborhood and family. You are completely responsible for everything that happens to him until the age of his adulthood and the moment of your death. I know stories of families where children have died shortly after birth. No campaign has ever been made on this subject. Why? Not enough courage to do it or no generous paying client?
What products help these people live their lives? None.
You can only inspire people by life itself. That is, also by death. Raising children nowadays, when you are bombarded on every side with “rotten content” from youtube, advertisements on children’s channels and love Nutella for every day, Pingu cuts for boredom, Playmobil action every day, the morbidly proportionally predisposed Barbi* doll and similar deviant creatures of these and other plastic “ogres”, is almost already a serious social issue.
To train a city dog, who is maybe 75% of the time locked in an apartment, to pick up his “sh*t” daily is about sh*t.
Raising children is about life. You have to show children values and teach them different and new things at every stage of life. Not the dog.
Somehow you’ve almost all drifted away from the sheer ordinariness of life and probably don’t even know what it’s like to crawl into a lake in the winter, to run away from the darkness in the woods, to just sit and watch the walking “brand zombies” in an outlet in Parndorf, where everyone is trying to fake their sense of importance and the right “true” relationship with brands like Prada or Ralph Lauren. Even so, some of their owners walk around dressed in black sweatpants all month long under a dose of daily stress, perhaps not having the courage to put on these “high fashion pieces”. To wear the right clothes you first have to know. It’s not a given. But no salesman will tell you that today, they are happy for you to just pay…
Advertising has become quite divorced from real life. And some advertising agencies were, and perhaps still are, like scented carrion. Smiles, happy couples with that “world famous cell phone” in hand, blondes and brunettes with D-cup breasts, Nutella, Kindervajcia, Always inserts with simulated full screen blood (so you can work out during “your days” ), Nintendo for boredom, and a few more brandies. My former colleague Matthew B. would say, “pure f*ckery”.
It’s time to pull people and the younger generations back into the hand-me-down reality of life, instead of collecting dog excrement in red bags and pretending to be godlike “in”, wiping their own children’s backsides and complimenting them on what a beautiful picture they painted today. Instead of collecting lay people’s hearts and comments, call your grandmother, aunt and grandfather and tell them you love them before it’s too late. Instead of some artificial golden nail campaign, invest more money in hospitals, parks and education for children. Teach Generation XYZ to bake bread or cake, cook beef soup with bones, smoke wood in the fireplace, talk to a neighbor in person and not over whatsApp. Fly to Namibia instead of Dubai and understand the poverty some people still live in today.
Nowhere have I seen an ad for young babies, mothers-to-be, with the message that they are worth it as they are and don’t need to put daily cosmetics on their bodies and faces that contain chemistry that damages not only their fertility but their entire health. Because some celebrities and actresses keep saying this for Lo**** in TV commercials? And over and over and over again. However, I have already explained to my daughter that that Lo**** company sells make-up cosmetics full of harmful chemistry (according to verified test results published in the media) and those super models and actresses probably don’t use it at all. Big, hideous lie.
So time for a reset. But the normal one. There’s still plenty of time and opportunity for that in the midst of the content of life.
Where did the very idea of evaluating human creativity, feminine beauty, the turns of the year, the performance of athletes, the knowledge of children in schools with grades and similar topics originate?
I’m putting it into the ether for rethinking.